
Why Blogging?

Hello my dear friend!

The first post merits a few technical explanations: what have I been up to until now and the purpose of the blog.

A quick scan through my resume: I completed my undergraduate studies in Economics in Croatia, after which I worked in a management consulting company with many extensive travels, from Dubai, to Europe, to Brazil. I've spent last two years in Boston, studying towards my MBA degree and as of October, I will be working in the same company in New York City.

Very recently I realized that my life calling is about helping others achieve their goals and have clarity on what kind of life they want to live. In other words, I have decided to embark on a journey of becoming a Life Coach (this is the profession that, at this point, best captures those goals). This blog is one step towards communicating and realizing my commitment to living my purpose.

In this blog I will express my ideas about achieving a happier life, share the messages from the books I've read, write about the steps I am taking on my Life Coaching journey, and, of course, tell stories from my life in NYC.

I hope you will enjoy the reading and I invite you to share your comments and thoughts!

With love,

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